Name | Version | Author | Description |
ALMA NCIP Integration | 1.0.7 | Atlas Systems | The Alma NCIP Integration system addon allows for integration between ILLiad and Alma using NCIP. This addon uses NCIP v2 calls to the Alma NCIP responder. |
Info |
Release notes are available for Alma NCIP Integration System Addon v1.0.5 and later. |
- v1.0.7:
- Fixed an issue where the pickup location pulled from the request would not properly map to the pickup locations defined in the PickupLocationMappings setting if the casing used between the two values differed. The addon will now convert both values to uppercase to perform the match comparison.
- v1.0.6:
- NCIP problem responses are now properly parsed by the addon, improving the specificity of logged errors for troubleshooting purposes.
- v1.0.5:
- Fixed an issue introduced in version 1.0.4 that prevented history entries from being added when the addon performed an action on a request.
Addon settings are configured in the Manage Addons form.
Setting Name | Default Value | Type | Description |
LendingEnabled | true | Boolean | Determines whether lending requests are enabled for NCIP Integration. |
BorrowingEnabled | true | Boolean | Determines whether borrowing requests are enabled for NCIP Integration. |
BorrowingMultiBarcodeEnabled | true | Boolean | Determines whether borrowing requests Barcode fields support Multiple Barcodes. |
ErrorQueueBorrowing | NCIP Errors | String | Defines the name of the queue to which borrowing transactions will be routed if there is an error in processing. |
ErrorQueueLending | NCIP Errors | String | Defines the name of the queue to which lending transactions will be routed if there is an error in processing. |
BorrowingCheckedInFromLibraryRouting | Request in Processing | String | Comma separated list of statuses a request is routed to after successfully checking an item in from the lending library and checking the items out to the customer via NCIP. |
NCIPResponderURL | | String | URL for the NCIP Server Responder. |
ApplicationProfileType | ILL | String | The mapping for the NCIP ApplicationProfileType. This can be a tag or static value. If you would like a different library type for LibraryUseOnly, use "{Custom:GetApplicationProfileType}". |
BorrowingUserIdentifier | {TableField:User.Username} | String | The mapping for the NCIP user identifier sent for borrowing requests. This can be a tag or static value. |
LendingUserIdentifier | {TableField:User.Username} | String | The mapping for the NCIP user identifier sent for lending requests. This can be a tag or static value. |
FromAgencyId | String | Generic From Agency ID string to use in NCIP calls. | |
ToAgencyId | String | Generic TO Agency ID string to use in NCIP calls. | |
RequestIdentifierPrefix | {Custom:RequestIdentifier} | String | Prefix for RequestIdentifier. |
ItemBarcodeField | String | Defines the transaction field in which the item barcode will be stored. | |
HistoryEntryAcceptItemSuccess | NCIP: Temporary Item created ({barcode}) | String | The history entry made when the AcceptItem NCIP call is completed successfully. Leave blank for no history entry. |
HistoryEntryCheckOutItemSuccess | NCIP: Item checked out ({barcode}) | String | The history entry made when the CheckOutItem NCIP call is completed successfully. Leave blank for no history entry. |
HistoryEntryCheckInItemSuccess | NCIP: Item checked in ({barcode}) | String | The history entry made when the CheckInItem NCIP call is completed successfully. Leave blank for no history entry. |
MultipleBarcodeDelimiter | " " | String | The delimiter that is used to separate multiple barcodes. |
PickupLocationField | {TableField:User.NVTGC} | String | The mapping for the pickup location field. |
PickupLocationMappings | String | A comma-delimited list of mappings (i.e., a=b,c=d) which will be used when mapping to PickupLocations from a particular field. |
Code Block |
ERROR AtlasSystems.Scripting.LuaApi.ScriptEnvironmentBase - Script compilation failed for addon Alma NCIP Integration. ERROR AtlasSystems.Scripting.LuaApi.ScriptEnvironmentBase - Compilation Error: A .NET exception occured in user-code ERROR AtlasSystems.Scripting.LuaApi.ScriptEnvironmentBase - An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly, please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See for more information. ERROR AtlasSystems.Scripting.LuaApi.SystemScriptEnvironment - An addon script error has occurred in a system script. The following error message was returned: An addon script (Alma NCIP Integration) could not be loaded due to an error in the script file(s). Details:A .NET exception occured in user-code |
To resolve this issue, please unblock the addon files installed on the local machine following the instructions below:
- Open the Windows File Explorer and navigate to the folder where the addon files are installed on the local machine (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons\AlmaNcipIntegration)
- Right-click on the first file and select Properties from the menu
- Check the Unblock checkbox at the bottom, if present:
- Click OK
- Repeat for all files in the addon's folder
- Once all files are unblocked, restart the ILLiad Client and attempt to run the addon