ILLiad ReShare DSP Addon
The ILLiad ReShare Server Addon comes with additional functionality to support using the addon with the Decision Support Pipeline. For complete details and configuration information please see ILLiad ReShare Addon.
Stage 2 and 3 addons are not currently supported in the pre-copyright pipeline with a "Recommended" rule type. This functionality will be available in the ILLiad v10 release. In the meantime, we recommend using the following alternative business rules:
Option 1:
Pipeline: Borrowing Article
Rule Type: Recommended
Target Type: Addon
Target: Name of this addon
Option 2:
Pipeline: Borrowing Article Pre-Copyright
Rule Type: Automatic
Target Type: Addon
Target: Name of this addon
The first alternative will provide a similar outcome but with additional copyright information for comparison until the new functionality is implemented.