Aeon Sierra Data Import Server Addon
Aeon Sierra Data Import Server Addon
This is a Server Addon and is installed using the Aeon Customization Manager. See Configuring Server Addons for more information.
Name | Sierra ILS Data Import Server Addon |
Version | 1.1.1 |
Author | Atlas Systems, Inc. |
Description | Imports ILS data from Sierra's Items API for transactions that are in the specified data import queue. |
Custom Fields Support | No |
This addon is available for developers to modify and extend. Developers are encouraged to submit changes to this addon by forking the git repository from https://github.com/AtlasSystems/SierraImportAddon.git and creating a pull request.
Release Notes
Release notes are available for Sierra ILS Data Import Server Addon v1.1.1 and later.
- v1.1.1:
- Fixed an issue where the addon would not properly dispose of the WebClients used for API calls, which could potentially lead to memory leak issues.
Instructions for installing server addons in Aeon can be found here: Installing and Configuring Aeon Server Addons
Setting | Default | Type | Description |
RequestMonitorQueue | Awaiting ILS Data Import | String | The queue that the addon will monitor for transactions that need ILS data automatically imported from Sierra. The value of this setting is required. |
SuccessRouteQueue | Awaiting Request Processing | String | The queue that the addon will route requests to after successfully importing ILS data from Sierra. The value of this setting is required. |
ErrorRouteQueue | Awaiting Manual Data Import | String | The queue that the addon will route requests to if errors are encountered while importing ILS data from Sierra. The value of this setting is required. |
SierraApiUrl | https://sandbox.iii.com/iii/sierra-api/v3/ | String | Base URL for the Sierra API. The value of this setting is required. |
ClientKey | None | String | Client Key used for authorization for the Sierra API. The value of this setting is required. |
ClientSecret | None | String | Client Secret used for authorization for the Sierra API. The value of this setting is required. |
UserAgent | Client - Aeon | String | Specifies the User-Agent that is sent to Sierra with API requests. The value of this setting is optional. |
BibIdSourceField | ItemInfo3 | String | Specifies the transaction field that contains the Sierra record's BibID. This setting will be used along with the VolumeSourceField setting to gather item data from Sierra's item API. The value of this setting is required and must match the name of a column from the Transactions table. |
VolumeSourceField | CallNumber | String | Specifies the transaction field that contains the Sierra record's Volume. This setting will be used along with the BibIdSourceField setting to gather item data from Sierra's item API. The transaction field specified in this setting may contain additional information that is not related to the item's volume. The value of this setting is required and must match the name of a column from the Transactions table. |
CleanUpVolumeSourceField | false | Boolean | Specifies whether or not the Transaction's volume information should be removed from the specified VolumeSourceField. This is to help clean up transaction data in the event that the volume information was scraped from a webpage, where the volume information is conjoined with other data. The value of this setting is required and must be either "true" or "false". |
VolumeDestinationField | ItemVolume | String | Specifies the transaction field where the volume information for the transaction should be stored. The value of this setting is optional. If specified, the value of this setting must match the name of a column from the Transactions table. |
ReplaceVolumeWhenNotNull | true | Boolean | Determines if the Transaction field specified by the VolumeDestinationField setting is changed in cases where the field already has a value. |
ExactSearch | false | Boolean | Determines how the addon compares volume information between the Transaction record and the record(s) from the Sierra API. If this is set to true, the addon will perform an exact comparison between the 2 volume fields. If set to false, the addon will search for the volume information from the Sierra API, within the volume information from the Transaction record. |
VolumeSourceFieldRegularExpression | ([B,b]ox\s*\d+) | String | A regular expression for parsing the volume from the field specified in the VolumeSourceField setting. The matched result will be used instead of the value from the VolumeSourceField, whenever volume information is compared. If this is set to blank, the actual value from the VolumeSourceField will be used. |
BarcodeDestinationField | ItemEdition | String | Specifies the transaction field where gathered barcode information should be stored. The value of this setting is optional. If specified, the value of this setting must match the name of a column from the Transactions table. |