ILLiad Shipment Tracking Addon

NameShipment Tracking
AuthorAtlas Systems, Inc.
DescriptionThe Shipping Tracking Addon displays tracking information for Lending requests based on a given tracking number. The Shipments Addon tab only appears on a Lending request if the item is at a status of Item Shipped. It looks in the Special Instructions field for a shipment tracking number (FedEx, UPS, USPS) and looks up the status.


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Addon settings are configured in the Manage Addons form. Shipping Tracking displays tracking information based on a given tracking number.

Shipment Tracking is Not Active by default. To hide the tab on your Request form, select No and Save Settings.

AutoSearchTrueBooleanDefines whether the search should be automatically performed when the form opens.
ILLiadFieldSpecInsStringThe ILLiad transaction field that contains the tracking number to search.

Using this Addon

  1. To use the Shipping Tracking Addon, click the Shipments tab on the Loan request form.
  2. If Shipping Tracking has been set to search automatically for the tracking number, the form will open to the appropriate search result for the tracking number.
  3. If the search is not set to start automatically, you will see a blank page instead of the Shipping Tracking information.
  4. Start the search by clicking the Search button on the Shipments ribbon.
  5. Use the Back, Forward, Stop and Refresh buttons in the Shipments ribbon to move between pages, refresh pages and stop loading a page.