IE WebBrowser

The WebBrowser object is a .Net component. Below are the properties and methods most scripts are likely to use.

While this object can be accessed via the BrowserInterface and Browser control, it is recommended that this property be used with caution because it is a .Net object, not a wrapper. Incorrect usage could result in loss of performance or an inoperable addon.


  • Document: Contains an HtmlDocument representing the web page currently displayed.
  • DocumentText: Contains the raw HTML text of the web page currently displayed.
  • Url: Contains the URL of the web page currently displayed.


  • GoBack(): Navigates to the previous page in the navigation history.
  • GoForward(): Navigates to the next page in the navigation history.
  • Navigate(string url): Navigates to the url provided. This can also be achieved without the WebBrowser object by calling the Navigate method on the BrowserInterface.

    InputurlThe url to navigate to.
  • Refresh(): Reloads the web page currently displayed.
  • Stop(): Cancels any pending navigation and halts dynamic page elements such as sounds and animations.