Server Addons Directory (Aeon)

Server Addons Directory (Aeon)

Atlas and OCLC do not support default addons or user-created addons. If you need assistance with using, troubleshooting, or writing addons, please contact Atlas Systems for a custom services quote.

Atlas reserves the right to modify or remove addons as needed and will attempt to notify the addon authors of modifications or removal when possible.

To facilitate continued addon devolvement, addon developers are encouraged to share their code in a repository (e.g. Github). This will allow others to more easily make modifications to the addon or for the repository to be transferred in the event the original addon author is unable to continue maintenance of the addon.

Server Addons carry out processes such as routing items, sending emails, and adding or removing flags automatically behind the scenes independent of any action performed in the Client. They are run by the System Manager at specified time intervals and are installed and managed in the Customization Manager.

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