Decision Support Pipeline (DSP) Addons Directory
Atlas and OCLC do not support default addons or user-created addons. If you need assistance with using, troubleshooting, or writing addons, please contact Atlas Systems for a custom services quote.
The ILLiad Best Practices forum is an ideal community resource where you can talk with and ask questions of other ILLiad users.
Atlas reserves the right to modify or remove addons as needed and will attempt to notify the addon authors of modifications or removal when possible.
To facilitate continued addon devolvement, addon developers are encouraged to share their code in a repository (e.g. Github). This will allow others to more easily make modifications to the addon or for the repository to be transferred in the event the original addon author is unable to continue maintenance of the addon.
The Decision Support Addons were created to utilize with the Decision Support Pipeline (DSP) in ILLiad. These addons, when used in conjunction with the DSP feature, can help configure ILLiad to automate the borrowing request process for both articles and loans.
These addons were created by Atlas Systems. If you create an Addon for the DSP that you would like to share with your fellow ILLiad users, please contact us and we will add it to this list. See Submitting Addons for more information. Please note: the development of DSP addons differs slightly from other addons that can be used with ILLiad. For information on developing DSP addons, see Decision Support Addon Development.
Addons with * are included with default ILLiad installations.