Addon Locations

Addon Locations

The default Addon folder location is specific to each product.

  • ILLiad: C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons
  • Ares: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ares\Addons
  • Aeon: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Aeon\Addons

Each Addon is housed there in a separate folder titled by name; for example, the Amazon Search Addon is stored in the AtlasAmazonSearch folder. That folder can contain one or more Lua scripts as well as an XML file to control how the script is used. When you fill out Addon settings in the client, they are stored in a LocalSettings.xml file, also located in the c:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons folder. Storing the XML files in the base directory allows Atlas to replace and update files in the actual Addons folders without deleting any of your customized settings.

Redirecting the Addon Directory

The Addon directory can be redirected to another location via UNC path, mapped drive, etc., by adding a customization key called AddonDirectory that is not included by default in ILLiad (see below for information on locating this key in Ares and Aeon). This location serves as a central place to store the Addon folders. Addons are not run from this remote location. Each time the client opens it looks at the Addons in the folder, checks the version number, and downloads files to the local folder as needed.

Locating/Adding the AddonDirectory Key to the Customization Manager

The AddonDirectory key must be manually added to the ILLiad Customization Manager by following the instructions below. After following the steps, the AddonDirectory key will be available under System | General. Information for locating this key in the Aeon and Ares Customization Managers is detailed below.


To add the AddonDirectory key to the ILLiad Customization Manager:

  1. Open the ILLiad Customization Manager 
  2. Navigate to System | General | Customization
  3. Click New Record
  4. Fill out the new record as follows:
    1. CustKey: AddonDirectory
    2. Value: The network file path where the Addons will be stored
    3. NVTGC: Select the NVTGC(s) for which the key should be made available from the dropdown
    4. Description: Enter a description for the key, such as "Specifies shared storage location for Client Addons"
    5. AdminCat: System
    6. AdminKey: General
    7. AdminType: StringValue
  5. Click Save


The AddonDirectory key is present in the Ares Customization Manager by default under System | Staff Client


The AddonDirectory key is present in the Aeon Customization Manager by default under System | General 

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