Installing and Uninstalling Client Addons

Installing and Uninstalling Client Addons

Installing Client Addons

If you want to add more addons to your ILLiad client that aren't delivered by default, you simply download the file from the Addon Directory and unzip it into the addons location (ILLiad: C:\program files (x86)\illiad\addons folder, Aeon: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Aeon\Addons, Ares: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ares\Addons). The folder structure in the zip file needs to be intact. To install an addon:

  1. Go to the Addon Directory and select the addon you want to install.
  2. Click the download link. Your browser will prompt you to save the file to a location.
  3. Browse to that location and double-click on the zip file to open it. Copy the folder of the same name from that zip file to the addons folder (ILLiad: C:\program files (x86)\illiad\addons folder, Aeon: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Aeon\Addons, Ares: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ares\Addons).
  4. Open the client and go to Manage Addons under the system ribbon.
  5. Click on the addon you've added and choose the Yes radio button under Active. Additionally, make any edits to the settings as necessary.
  6. Click Save Settings to save those changes.
  7. The new addon is now active.

Uninstalling Client Addons

If you no longer want to use a previously installed Client addon, you can either temporarily mark the addon inactive and save it for later use, or permanently remove it from your machine:

Temporarily Disabling the Addon

If you would like to temporarily disable an addon and leave the configuration settings intact for use at a later time, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the addons management screen in the Client:

    1. ILLiad and Ares: Open the Client and click on Manage Addons under the System ribbon.

    2. Aeon: Open the Client and click on Addons under the Manage ribbon.

  2. Click on the addon you want to disable and choose the No radio button under Active.

  3. Click Save Settings to save those changes.

  4. The addon is now inactive. Check your routing rules in the Customization Manager and remove or disable any that require the use of the inactive addon.

Permanently Deleting the Addon

If you would like to permanently delete the addon, you must manually delete the files for the addon stored on your local machine:

  1. Navigate to the folder where the addon is installed on your local machine. The location of Client addons varies by product:

    1. ILLiad: C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Addons

    2. Aeon: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Aeon\Addons

    3. Ares: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Ares\Addons

  2. Right-click on the folder for the addon you want to uninstall and select Delete.

  3. Check your routing rules in the Customization Manager and delete any rules that require the use of the deleted addon.

  4. Check the entry for the addon in the Addon Directory and contact the creator of the addon for any additional necessary steps or information.

You may optionally choose to open LocalSettings.xml within the Client addons installation folder in a text editor such as Notepad++ and delete the configuration settings stored in the file for the addon.

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