Aeon ArchivesSpace Client Addon (WebView2 & Chromium)
Name | Aeon ArchivesSpace Client Addon |
Version | 3.0.3 |
Author | Atlas Systems, Inc. |
Description | This addon is used to integrate the ArchivesSpace staff interface into the Aeon Client request form so that staff can search the records of their ArchivesSpace instance and import details into Aeon requests. |
Custom Fields Support | No |
WebView2 Support | Yes |
You must be on Aeon version 5.0 to use this Addon. Note that if you are on Aeon 5.2, the addon will use the WebView2 browser. If you are on Aeon 5.0 or 5.1, the addon will use the Chromium browser.
This addon is available for developers to modify and extend. Developers are encouraged to submit changes to this addon by forking the git repository from GitHub and creating a pull request.
Release Notes
- v3.0.3:
- A UserAgent HTTP Header is sent in API calls to better support ArchivesSapces hosted by Lyrasis.
- Better support for ArchivesSpace LibraryHost instances where the AppPrefix is not standard.
- Set API to use UTF8 for ArchivesSpace API requests
- v3.0.2:
- Fixed an issue where the addon would not properly dispose of the WebClients used for API calls, which could potentially lead to memory leak issues.
Addon settings are configured in the Manage Addons form.
Setting | Default | Type | Description |
AutoSearch | True | Boolean | Defines whether the search should be automatically performed when the form opens. |
ArchivesSpaceStaffURL | String | The URL of the ArchivesSpace web interface for staff. An example would be "" | |
ArchivesSpaceBackendURL | String | The URL of the ArchviesSpace API service. An example would be "" | |
AS_Username | String | The staff username to use when logging in to the web interface. An example would be "admin" | |
AS_Password | String | The staff password to use when logging in to the web interface. An example would be "admin" | |
AutoSearchPriority | Title, Author, CallNumber | String | A comma-separated list of searches to be performed in order. |
Because the username and password fields are stored in plain text, it is recommended that staff do not use their own account for this addon. Instead, administrators should create an account specifically for this addon that has read-only permissions on the relevant repositories.
Data Mappings
Be sure to backup the DataMapping.lua
file before making modifications Incorrectly configured mappings may cause the addon to stop functioning correctly.
ASpaceSearchCode defines the keyword in the search url that defines the type of search ArchivesSpace will perform.
{ArchivesSpace Instance URL}:8080/advanced_search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&advanced=true&t0=text&op0=&f0={ASpaceSearchCode}&top0=contains&v0={Query}
SearchMapping defines the relationship between an Aeon field and the type of ArchivesSpace search will be performed. The AeonSourceField takes an Aeon Transaction's field and the ASpaceSearchType takes an ASpaceSearchCode from the mapping above.
Information about the Aeon Database such as field names and lengths can be found in our documentation.
Item Grid Fields
Fields |
Title |
SubTitle |
Call Number |
Author |
Volume |
Available ArchivesSpace Data - Archival Object
Data Mapping Name | Description | ArchivesSpace API Property |
ArchivalObjectTitle | The title of the archival object | archival_objects > title |
ResourceTitle | The title of the resource that the archival object belongs to | resources > title |
EadId | The resource's EAD ID | resources > ead_id |
Creators | The primary names of the creators associated with the archival object delimited by a ; | agents > people > display_name > primary_name |
ArchivalObjectContainer | The display string of the archival object's top container | top_containers > long_display_string |
Further information about the ArchivesSpace API can be found on their documentation page
Do not modify the HostAppInfo.InstanceDataImport table name (E.G. HostAppInfo.InstanceDataImport[{Table Name}]). The addon uses the table name to find the information. The data within the table, however, is designed to be customized.
Citation data can be imported when a specific instance of an object can't be imported or isn't supported yet. The citation data can be imported for Resources, Accessions, and Digital Objects. Each citation data type has its own mappings.
Available ArchivesSpace Data - Resources
Data Mapping Name | Description | ArchivesSpace API Property |
Title | The title of the resource | resources > title |
FindingAidTitle | The title of the resource that the archival object belongs to | resources > finding_aid_title |
DateExpression | The date expression of the resource | resources > dates > date_expression |
Creators | The primary names of the creators associated with the archival object delimited by a ; | agents > people > display_name > primary_name |
CreatedBy | The user that created the record | resources > created_by |
EadId | The EAD ID of the resource | resources > ead_id |
Available ArchivesSpace Data - Accessions
Data Mapping Name | Description | ArchivesSpace API Property |
Title | The title of the accession | accessions > title |
DisplayString | The display string of the accession record | accessions > display_string |
DateExpression | The date expression of the accession record | accessions > dates > date_expression |
CreatedBy | The user that created the record | accessions > created_by |
AccessionDate | The date the accession was created | accessions > accession_date |
Available ArchivesSpace Data - Digital Objects
Data Mapping Name | Description | ArchivesSpace API Property |
Title | The title of the digital object | digital_objects > title |
DateExpression | The date expression of the digital object | digital_objects > dates > date_expression |
Creators | The primary names of the creators associated with the archival object delimited by a ; | agents > people > display_name > primary_name |
CreatedBy | The user that created the record | resources > created_by |
FileUri | The URI to the digital object's file | digital_objects > file_uri |
DigitalObjectId | The ID of the digital object | digital_objects > digital_object_id |
The PageUri mapping is the pattern that identifies the page type the addon is currently on. These are not likely to change from site to site, but can be adjusted if necessary.
Addon Files
Config.xml | The addon configuration file. |
DataMapping.lua | The data mapping file contains mappings that can customize the addon to the specific ArchivesSpace Instance |
Aeon-ArchivesSpace.lua | The Aeon-ArchivesSpace.lua is the main file for the addon. |
layout.xml | The layout definition for the addon in Aeon |
Additional Dependencies
The addon has additional dependencies for it to work. The dependencies must be added into your Aeon addon folder. The dependencies are included with the download of the addon.
AtlasHelpers | Contains various utility functions that are common to many Atlas addons. |
Atlas-Addons-Lua-ParseJson | A JSON Parser for lua. It is used to parse the information returned by the ArchivesSpace API |