ILLiad On Shelf Notifications Server Addon
This is a Server Addon and is installed using the ILLiad Customization Manager. See Installing and Configuring Server Addons for more information. |
Name | ILLiad On Shelf Notifications Server Addon |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Author | Atlas Systems, Inc. |
Description | Sends notifications for requests in Customer Notified via E-Mail at regular intervals to remind patrons that they have items waiting to be picked up. |
This addon is available for developers to modify and extend. Developers are encouraged to submit changes to this addon by forking the git repository from GitHub and creating a pull request.
Server addon settings are configured in the Server Addons tab in the Customization Manager.
Setting | Default | Type | Description |
| String | Comma-separated list of NVTGCs to process. Please list out all NVTGCs as they would appear in the NVTGC field on the Users form. If left blank, the addon will process requests from all NVTGCs. |
EmailName |
| String | Name of the email template to send. |
LibraryUseOnlyEmailName |
| String | Name of the email template to send for items marked as library use only. Leave this setting blank to send the same e-mail for all items. |
NotificationTime |
| String | Time of day that notifications are to be sent in 24-hour time format. For example, 2:30 PM would be 1430, and 10:00 AM would be 1000. Depending on your SystemManagerAddonInterval customization key, notifications may not be sent at exactly this time. |
NotificationDaysOfWeek |
| String | Comma-separated list of days of the week that notifications are to be sent. Do not abbreviate day names. |
NotificationWaitDays |
| String | Number of days to wait before notifications begin to be sent. |
OnShelfRemovalDays |
| String | Number of days an item can stay on the shelf before being routed to the RemoveFromShelfQueue. Leave blank if you do not wish to use this option. |
DueDateRemovalDays |
| String | Number of days before an item's due date that a request will be routed to the RemoveFromShelfQueue. Leave blank if you do not wish to use this option. |
RemoveFromShelfQueue |
| String | Queue for items that should be removed from the shelf and returned to the lender. Leave blank if you are not using the OnShelfRemovalDays or DueDateRemovalDays settings. |
The On Shelf Notifications server addon is used to send notifications to patrons to remind them to pick up their items. The addon does this at regular intervals defined by the NotificationDaysOfWeek and NotificationTime settings once an item has been on the shelf (i.e. at the Customer Notified via E-Mail status) for a number of days defined by the NotificationWaitDays setting. For example, if NotificationDaysOfWeek is set to “Tuesday, Thursday,” NotificationTime is set to “1700,” and NotificationWaitDays is set to “7,” notifications will be sent to patrons at 5:00 PM every Tuesday and Thursday after an item has been on the shelf for at least seven days. The notification sent to the patron uses the template defined in the EmailName or LibraryUseOnlyEmailName (if you choose to use it) setting.
Please note that notifications may not be sent exactly at the NotificationTime, especially when the addon is turned on (either for the first time or after being turned off) or has its settings changed at a time shortly after the NotificationTime. This is because the addon can send notifications anytime between the NotificationTime and the NotificationTime plus three times the SystemManagerAddonInterval customization key. This is to ensure that notifications do not get skipped on servers that may be running slow. Notifications will only be sent once per day within this interval, unless the addon is turned off and back on again, its settings are changed, or the ILLiad System Manage restarted.
Another optional feature of this addon is the ability to route requests to a queue defined by RemoveFromShelfQueue based on how long they have been on the shelf, their proximity to their due date, or both. The OnShelfRemovalDays setting will route a request to the queue defined by RemoveFromShelfQueue after it has been in Customer Notified via E-Mail for the specified number of days, while the DueDateRemovalDays setting will route the request once it has reached a specified number of days before its due date. These two settings can be used together if desired.